
My name is Kevin Sang Min Tenn. I was born with the surname Park, but I adopted my partner Elena's Hakka surname upon becoming a US citizen in 2021. I'm still fluent in Korean, and my Korean name is 박상민.

I was born and raised in South Korea, and I came to the United States in 2009. After moving around the West Coast over the years, I now reside in the Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.

Outside my interests in tech, design, and startups, I enjoy watching movies, especially in theaters like this, screaming for the Seahawks like this, and capturing the beauty of nature in national parks like this.


Los Angeles, CA

2024 - present

Seattle, WA

2018 - 2022

Los Angeles, CA

2014 - 2018

San Francisco, CA

2014 - 2014

La Jolla / San Diego, CA

2013 - 2014

Los Angeles, CA

2009 - 2013

Beijing, China

2008 - 2009

Seoul, South Korea

1998 - 2008

Chuncheon, South Korea

1993 - 1998